Grover Electric and Plumbing Supply

Soften Hard Water Headaches

No mater how fastidious you are about cleaning your plumbing fixtures, hard water stains on a toilet or sink completely do away with any feeling of clean. Those dark brown rings in the toilet or around a sink drain look awful. Additionally, the water doesn’t taste right either!

So, how about making life easier on yourself with a water softener? First step; get your water tested. How? Come in to your local Grover Electric and Plumbing Supply to get a sample bottle. Then bring us the sample and we can do some testing right here in the store. For a more complete or sophisticated test, we can send a sample of your water out for expert analysis.

Once we know the results of your water test, we can recommend the proper treatment devise for softening your water. Also, we can show you how to save some money by installing it yourself.

Your “facilities” will look better, and your water might be a little tastier too once those hard water minerals are gone.