Grover Electric and Plumbing Supply

Hot Water Dispensers – Making Life Easy!

Depending on your age, you may find this hard to believe; BUT, there was a time when the only way you could change the channel on your TV was to get up, walk to the set, spin a knob to the next channel to see what was there. If it wasn’t what you liked you had to stand there clicking the channel dial until you found something you DID like. Here’s the part younger folks might find hard to believe; it was just accepted as being the way it is. Some devices are like that. The old way seems ok until you try the new one for a while and then you can’t imagine going back.

Come in to a Grover Electric and Plumbing Supply and get yourself a hot water dispenser. You’ll soon feel like the only person on the block with a TV remote. It’s one of those “What did we do before we had this thing?” kind of devices. Want some tea? Hot water for a recipe? Some instant oatmeal or hot chocolate? Push a button and there it is!

As to installing your hot water dispenser, it’s not difficult and we can walk you through the process. It’s what we do. We help do-it-yourselfers be do-it-yourselfers. Sometimes we help people who aren’t do-it-yourselfers find out they can do a lot of things themselves anyway.

Don’t think you need a hot water dispenser? Spend a week changing channels manually … it might change your mind!