Grover Electric and Plumbing Supply

Roof Vents and Keeping Your Attic Cool

Bring on the summer heat! Yeah, that’s when we’re out having fun. Of course, it’s not much fun for your attic. It gets really hot up there. More than you probably ever imagined. One of the simplest, yet most effective, things you can do to keep your home cool in the summer is with proper roof ventilation. The more you keep the super hot air out of your attic the less work your insulation, air conditioning, or fans have to do to keep the living space livable.

Here are some of your options:

  1. Hard-wired attic fans; probably the most effective means of keeping the hot air out. When the attic hits a certain temperature, the fans kick on and blow the hot air out. As long as you’ve got power, they should work as promised.
  2. Solar attic fans; these get better and better as the years go by and solar technology improves. They don’t use any electricity that you pay for and it works most reliably during the time of year when you really need them most … hot weather!
  3. Good old-fashioned Whirlybirds; these you’ve seen around for years. They spin like a pinwheel. They are part solar-powered and part wind- powered. If a breeze blows, they spin. If it gets too hot in your attic, the rising hot air makes them spin. They do their job with very little chance of failure.

One thing about attic vents you may not have considered; they aren’t just for getting rid of hot air in the summer. Good attic ventilation can prevent unwanted condensation in the winter and even prevent ice build up in freezing weather. So no matter what time of year it is, it’s a good idea to have proper roof ventilation. That being said, there’s no better time of year to do your roof ventilation work than right now. Come on in. We’ll show you how!